A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W 


gain() - Method in class pacman.model.Life
Increases the Life.remaining life by 1 (maximum to Life.total).
gain(int) - Method in class pacman.model.Score
Increases the Score.value by the given value.
gameController - Variable in enum pacman.util.GameManager
The current GameController.
GameController - Class in pacman.controller
GameController() - Constructor for class pacman.controller.GameController
GameManager - Enum in pacman.util
GameManager() - Constructor for enum pacman.util.GameManager
gameStatus - Variable in enum pacman.util.GameManager
The current GameStatus.
GameStatus - Enum in pacman.constant
GameStatus() - Constructor for enum pacman.constant.GameStatus
getBackgroundFileName() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the filename of the background.
getBestScore() - Method in class pacman.model.ScoreBoard
Returns the best Score in this score board.
getCookiePadding() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the cookie padding in this Map.
getCookies() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Cookie set in this Map.
getCookies() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Cookie set in this Map.
getCookieScore(String) - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the score value based on a grid string letter.
getGameStatus() - Method in enum pacman.util.GameManager
Returns the current GameStatus.
getGhostPadding() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the ghost padding in this Map.
getGhosts() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Ghost set in this Map.
getGhosts() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Ghost set in this Map.
getGhostStep() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the ghost step in this Map.
getGridLength() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the grid length in this Map.
getMapConfig() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the configuration object MapConfig of this Map.
getMapConfig() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the configuration object MapConfig of this Map.
getNickname() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the nickname of the player.
getNickname() - Method in class pacman.model.Score
Returns the player's Score.nickname.
getObstacles() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Obstacle set in this Map.
getObstacles() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Obstacle set in this Map.
getOpposite(Direction) - Static method in enum pacman.constant.Direction
Returns the opposite direction of the given one.
getPacman() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Pacman in this Map.
getPacman() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Pacman in this Map.
getPacmanStep() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the pacman step in this Map.
getParentMap() - Method in class pacman.model.Grid
Returns the parent Map where this Grid stays.
getPortals() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Portal set in this Map.
getPortals() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Portal set in this Map.
getPrimaryStage() - Static method in class pacman.Main
Returns the primary stage of the application.
getRemaining() - Method in class pacman.model.Life
Returns the Life.remaining life
getScoreBoard() - Method in class pacman.util.ScoreBoardReader
Returns the ScoreBoard retrieved from the score board file.
getScores() - Method in class pacman.model.ScoreBoard
Returns a set of Score.
getSpawn() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the Spawn in this Map.
getSpawn() - Method in class pacman.util.MapReader
Returns the Spawn in this Map.
getTime() - Method in class pacman.model.Score
Returns the time when the Score is settled.
getTitle() - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Returns the title of this Map.
getTotal() - Method in class pacman.model.Life
Returns the Life.total life
getTwinPortal() - Method in class pacman.model.Portal
Returns the twin of this Portal.
getValue() - Method in class pacman.model.Cookie
Returns the value of Score of this Cookie.
getValue() - Method in class pacman.model.Ghost
Returns the value of Score of this Ghost.
getValue() - Method in class pacman.model.Score
Returns the Score.value.
getWallFileName() - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Returns the filename of the walls.
Ghost - Class in pacman.model
Ghost(Map, double, double) - Constructor for class pacman.model.Ghost
Allocates a new Ghost object.
GHOST - pacman.constant.MovableGridType
ghostPadding - Variable in class pacman.util.MapConfig
The ghost padding in this Map
ghostPaddingRate - Variable in class pacman.util.MapConfig
The ghost padding rate in this Map
ghosts - Variable in class pacman.model.Map
The Ghost set in this Map.
ghosts - Variable in class pacman.util.MapReader
The Ghost set in the map.
ghostStep - Variable in class pacman.util.MapConfig
The ghost step in this Map
ghostStepRate - Variable in class pacman.util.MapConfig
The ghost step rate in this Map
Grid - Class in pacman.model
Grid(Map, double, double) - Constructor for class pacman.model.Grid
Allocates a new Grid object.
gridCount - Variable in class pacman.util.MapReader
The grid count of the map.
gridLength - Variable in class pacman.util.MapConfig
The grid length in this Map