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SceneSwitch - Enum in pacman.util
SceneSwitch() - Constructor for enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
score - Variable in enum pacman.util.GameManager
The current Score.
Score - Class in pacman.model
Score() - Constructor for class pacman.model.Score
Allocates a new Score object.
Score(String) - Constructor for class pacman.model.Score
Allocates a new Score object.
SCORE_BOARD_PATH - Static variable in class pacman.constant.FileName
scoreBoard - Variable in class pacman.util.ScoreBoardReader
The score board read from the file.
ScoreBoard - Class in pacman.model
ScoreBoard() - Constructor for class pacman.model.ScoreBoard
Allocates a ScoreBoard with an empty set of Score.
ScoreBoard(Set<Score>) - Constructor for class pacman.model.ScoreBoard
Allocates a ScoreBoard with a set of Score.
ScoreBoardController - Class in pacman.controller
ScoreBoardController() - Constructor for class pacman.controller.ScoreBoardController
ScoreBoardController.ScoreBoardListCellFactory - Class in pacman.controller
This is the factory for producing score board list cell.
scoreBoardList - Variable in class pacman.controller.ScoreBoardController
The list of score board.
ScoreBoardListCellFactory() - Constructor for class pacman.controller.ScoreBoardController.ScoreBoardListCellFactory
ScoreBoardReader - Class in pacman.util
ScoreBoardReader(String) - Constructor for class pacman.util.ScoreBoardReader
Allocates a new ScoreBoardReader.
ScoreBoardWriter - Class in pacman.util
ScoreBoardWriter(String) - Constructor for class pacman.util.ScoreBoardWriter
Allocates a new ScoreBoardWriter.
scoreCount - Variable in class pacman.controller.GameController
The count of score shown on the screen.
scores - Variable in class pacman.model.ScoreBoard
The set of Score.
SelectController - Class in pacman.controller
SelectController() - Constructor for class pacman.controller.SelectController
SelectController.LevelListCellFactory - Class in pacman.controller
This is the factory for producing level list cell.
SelectController.TextureListCellFactory - Class in pacman.controller
This is the factory for producing background and wall list cell.
sendPacmanToSpawn() - Method in enum pacman.util.GameManager
Sends Pacman to the Spawn.
setBackgroundFileName(String) - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Changes the filename of the background.
setCookiePaddingRate(double) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the cookie padding in this Map, and updates the cookie padding.
setFileName(String) - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Changes the filename of the map file.
setGhostPaddingRate(double) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the ghost padding in this Map, and updates the ghost padding.
setGhostStepRate(double) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the ghost step rate in this Map, and updates the ghost step.
setGridLength(double) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the grid length in this Map.
setImage(String) - Method in class pacman.model.Grid
Changes the image of this Grid to be the image file from the given fileName.
setLifeCount(int, int) - Method in class pacman.controller.GameController
Changes the count of life shown on the screen.
setNickname(String) - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Changes the nickname of the player.
setPacmanStepRate(double) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the pacman step rate in this Map, and updates the pacman step.
setScene(Scene) - Method in enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
Changes the scene in the primary stage to the given one.
setScoreCount(int) - Method in class pacman.controller.GameController
Changes the count of score shown on the screen.
setTitle(String) - Method in class pacman.controller.GameController
Changes the title shown on the screen.
setTitle(String) - Method in class pacman.controller.ScoreBoardController
Changes the title shown on the screen.
setTitle(String) - Method in class pacman.util.MapConfig
Changes the title of this Map.
settle() - Method in class pacman.model.Score
Settles the score.
setTwinPortal(Portal) - Method in class pacman.model.Portal
Sets the twin of this Portal.
setupPlayer - Variable in enum pacman.util.MusicPlayer
The MediaPlayer for setup.
setWallFileName(String) - Method in class pacman.model.Map
Changes the filename of the walls.
shakeStage() - Method in class pacman.util.Animation
Shake the primary stage.
showStage() - Method in enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
Shows the primary stage.
spawn - Variable in class pacman.model.Map
The Spawn in this Map.
spawn - Variable in class pacman.util.MapReader
The Spawn in the map.
Spawn - Class in pacman.model
Spawn(Map, double, double) - Constructor for class pacman.model.Spawn
Allocates a new Spawn object.
stageX - Variable in class pacman.util.Animation
stageY - Variable in class pacman.util.Animation
start(Stage) - Method in class pacman.Main
Starts the application.
START - pacman.constant.GameStatus
startGame() - Method in enum pacman.util.GameManager
Starts the game.
step - Variable in class pacman.model.MovableGrid
The step to go every time moving happens, in px
switchToGame(Map) - Method in enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
Switched the current scene to Game.
switchToHome() - Method in enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
Switched the current scene to Home.
switchToSelect() - Method in enum pacman.util.SceneSwitch
Switched the current scene to Select.
SYSTEM_PATH - Static variable in class pacman.constant.FileName